Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 21: Starwars

       As I was coxing today, I realized how great it would be if everyone was a character from Starwars. I would designate myself as Padmé. :P I have to admit that I am a little bit of a closet Starwars junkie. And if I am admitting to things right now, I might as well fess up to my love of Star Trek. Well there ya have it. Actually I learned a pretty cool fact about Starwars the other day. The language, Quechua (a Peruvian language I think) which is thought to be a dying language was sought out by George Lucas to use in Starwars movies. So if you listen closely in the older movies you might be able to pick some of that up, if you speak Quechua that is. 

      I was expecting to row a single this afternoon along side an 8. So when I got to the boathouse I decided to get all of my jumpees out of the way as I was anticipating to be in for a hard practice. But once everyone arrived, we realized we had enough people to take out a 4 and a 6 (which is really an 8 with 2 people missing). In order to do this, I was asked to cox the 4. I actually do not mind coxing, and I think it would be pretty cool to cox an actual race. hmm There must be someway I can swing that... But after practice was over, I was really glad my jumpees were already done. 

      We are now getting everyone ready for the Head of the Hooch which takes place in TN in early November. We wish to fly down the race course like the Millennium Falcon races to rescue Luke Skywalker after Darth Vader tells Luke he is his father in the Empire Strikes back. Ok enough Starwars, I get it. haha But we really do want to go fast, and we will!

Today's Spanish word? Carrot! :) Carrot = la zanahoria 
4200 completed, 10800 left!! Thank you for the support everyone! And look for a video either tomorrow or Saturday! :D

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