Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 15: Heifer U

So one thing I forgot to mention in my post yesterday was the reason I came back out to Heifer Ranch. I am attending what is called Hiefer U 101. It is basically a general overview of Heifer history and projects and a some cool experiences at the ranch. Today I got up early and did my jumpees before breakfast just like I said I was going to do. Had a stellar breakfast at the dining hall (eggs and biscuits and gravy, delish) and headed to the Guatemala barn where we did a group activity deciding how the worlds population was spread out and where the worlds consumption is. All and all a pretty interesting activity.
Then it started to rain a much needed rain. We headed out in said rain on a tractor hay ride around the ranch. Our first stop was at the camel paddock. We all got to feed one of the camels pieces of apples. Then we headed to the Global Village 2 (GV2). We were split in half. Some went to the Mozambique camp and some went to the Tibet camp. I was in the Mozambique camp and we made Nshima which is a cornmeal and water mixture cooked down into either a paste or a more solid bread. We then sautéed some veggies with a little oil and curry powder and mixed it all together. Not too shabby for cooking outside over an open fire.  After lunch we did a quick tour of the rest of GV2 and headed over to a conference room to listen to a presentation from Dilip Bhandari from Heifer's Asia/ South Pacific program on Heifer's work in the field.
After dinner we had a presentation from our group leader, Todd, on Heifer's history. We watched a movie on Dan West, the founder of Heifer, and I have to say it was quite inspiring. We then did a couple of exercises outlining the mission statement of Heifer and a timeline of Heifer events.

200 down. 3000 finished!!! Hollaaa! 12000 to go. Keep puttin the word out everyone, I am on my way towards my goal! Thanks for the support y'all!

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