Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 4: This post would not write its self.

Do you see the time right now? It is LATE! Exhaustion has set in. As soon as I am done typing this post, it is off to bed for me. I actually cannot believe I have made it this far into the night. Today was hard in the walking department, and lets just say if I continue to feel this way I am going to have to quit my water habit. I was not smart about my jumping today. I assumed that I would have hours and hours to complete the day's 200 after work. But then it was beautiful outside and I got an invite to go rowing that I just could not turn down. So by the time I got down to the boathouse I realized I was not going to have the time I assumed I was.

 I decided I would quickly crank out 50 jumpees before we went out for a row. Well let me tell you a quick 50 jumpees after completing 600 over the past 3 days just does not exist. Lets just say I was glad the launch needed an extra bit of attention this afternoon as I slugged through those 50. haha The water was gorgeous, it was not too hot and even though my muscles were unhappy with my continuing to exercise more, my mind was at peace.

After we got off the water (at almost 8!) I did another 50 jumpees. Which I have to say were not as hard as the first 50, I am assuming this is because my muscles were warmed up. So that was 100 down at about 8pm. I then headed over to Cal's for a late dinner and a little brainstorming on a project we are working on for the boathouse. It was there that she cheered me on through, what has to have been the hardest 100 jumpees yet. My muscles were tight and have I mentioned that I am exhausted? But with 10 jumpees left and my brain almost completely shutting down, Cal got up and finished them off with me. What would I do without her?

I would also like to comment that as fall has started to set in here in Little Rock, it is making me nostalgic for school. This is my first fall that I have not gone to school! Wow. Such a weird thought. Another weird thought, I just remembered the recipe for witches brew, which my friend Kirsten's grandma used to make us when I would visit. Witches Brew: Peanuts, raisins, marshmallows and chocolate chips. So delicious, I might have to make some this weekend. haha Also I really think my family should come visit me here in LR. They should also bring our baby puppy CJ :D
Against all odds I finished 200 more jumpees. You know what that means? 800 down! 14200 left! Thanks for all of the support! It's going great!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Chelsea! This is a great idea! All of us in education love this blog!
