Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Chickens Are Here!

 As I mentioned briefly a couple of weeks ago, I just turned 23. Two of my good volunteer friends who live in the area came by on a surprise visit and brought me this beautiful cake! We had a lovely day down by the river and then my host family had a nice dinner for all of us. :)
Here is the first of my eggs that started hatching! Egg hatching is a very exhausting business, and often the chicks are so worn out by the process that they die inside their shells. I had this happen with one of my eggs. And sadly out of the 14 eggs my hen laid, only four hatched. And again sadly, one of those passed away last night. 

But here she is. This is the first of my chicks to hatch. She is right out of the shell in this picture and a little gross. 
Here is a pic of my chicken coop. A door is currently being added, as is some tarping for shade and protection from rain. 

Here she is looking much cuter! I swore I would not name my chicks, but I just cant help it. This one is Henrietta. :)

 And here he is in all his glory: My rooster! He is a miniature rooster and really pretty. He is running away from me to go get into trouble. No but literally, like 5 min after I took this picture he had to be separated from another rooster that he started a fight with. No one in my community is going to like me if my rooster keeps these shenanigans up.

Aaaand this is what happens when you get into rooster fights. You get tied up inside the chicken coop where you can cause no trouble. 

And last but not least, this is my newest hen and her chicks. She is a miniature just like my rooster and she has 8 babies. Some will be mini like her, and some will be full sized.

We are all just one big happy family here!